“Πάντα Ρχει (everything flows).”
~ Heraclitus, Fragments
The great philosopher Heraclitus said that we can never step in the same river twice because fresh waters are ever flowing upon us. Every day we have the choice to be like the river, choosing to flow by making new decisions, carving new pathways, and discovering new joys.
To thine own self be true.
Hamlet had issues, but he got this right.
That’s what I’m trying to do, too. Words, phrases, books, theater, and the people who play with them make me happy.
I’ve been a pretzel maker, foreign language teacher, choir director, musician, songwriter, librarian, food server, farm worker, Duke cheerleader, genetics researcher, employee benefits lawyer, and legal treatise editor. My favorite vocation, by far, however, is being an author.
I’m very excited to partner with Hierophant Publishing to share my newest book, Shakespeare’s Guide to Living the Good Life, a nonfiction book I’ve been affectionately calling “Shakespearean self-help.” Through nine of my favorite Shakespeare plays and one beloved sonnet, this book shares the bard’s unique humor, authenticity, regard for nature, understanding of relationships, egalitarian political perspective, humanity, and inventive wordplay along with lively enactments to support our mental health.
Huzzah and Well Met!